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    Un lieu privilégié... , 2015

    “Un lieu privilégié de ce jeu d’ajustement de positions.” 
    Jean-Paul Filiod

    - site specific installation on mirror, magnesia, metal structure
    - video installation with table, slide projector, metal structure
    - video installation on monitor, objects on wall, sandstones on floor
    - sculptures made of wood with handles
    - coated sandstone on wall, performance during vernissage and finissage (evolving coat)
    - video on wall showing wood logging. The circular saw noise is relayed by an ear protector.
    - black tape on floor  

    This sentence from the anthopologist Filiod speaks about the ajustements we have with each other especially when we share knowledge. This situation refers to stability and adaptation. The exhibition is like a corpus of works about the human interactions between a German and a French artist. The context of the residency is involved, like landscapes and materials from Bitcherland I used for this exhibition.

    (as part of the research residency "Bourse Stephan Balkenhol" - Franco-German meetings with Stefan Wäldele - ARToPie)